01 Dec 2019

5 Steps to Stack the Deck of Life for a Winning Hand in 2020

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By Lisa Nowak   

The start of a new decade is almost upon us. If you are like me, there are years in the past 10 that were filled with pride, excitement and joy. Other years were more cluttered with some confusion, sorrow and disappointment. The older and wiser me has learned how to stack the deck for a more fulfilling professional and personal life. If you want more out of 2020, give these a try:

#1 Skip the New Year’s resolutions – Do a Post Game Review Instead

“Lack of time is lack of priorities.” ~ Tim Ferris

I discovered Tim Ferris when he wrote the Four Hour Work Week and have been following him ever since. If you’re not familiar with Tim, he’s basically a human guinea pig that over documents, shares all results and prides himself on finding the most efficient way of doing things. You can catch this podcast where Tim describes how he does his annual analysis, hear which odd questions he asks himself, and get an explanation of the series of exercises he runs through to complete a very meaningful review of the previous year. Following Tim’s guide, I created a blueprint for 2019 that served me very well. 

#2 Define your DNA.

“If you wouldn’t follow yourself, why would anyone else?” ~ John C. Maxwell

Companies have mission statements, brand guidelines, and culture definitions. Did you know that successful people have defined their personal brand too? Need a starting point, or just one to adopt? This is John Maxwell Team DNA and what I have vowed to live by. It is especially great for owners or managers in an organization and for individual contributors who want to reach new heights. Follow these and I guarantee you will be a leader that people will want to support.

#3 Create your Power Playlist

“Every year you close a chapter in your story. Please…don’t write the same one seventy-five times and call it a life.” ~ Rachel Hollis

It is hard for me to pick just one tidbit from Rachel Hollis. I’ve seen her documentary, “Made for More” at least 4 times and could go watch it again right now. She has been a mentor to me and she doesn’t even know it. If you have Amazon Prime, find two hours to watch it. Rachel is entertaining and she has packed her movie with actionable take aways and amazing insight. In it, she talks about having a Power Playlist. Pick a song to be your Fight Song plus a few more tracks with positive messages that build you up and make you feel like you can conquer the world. I put together 20 minutes worth of music that I could access within 3 clicks from my iPhone and that instant, no-need-to-think access has been a gamechanger to recharge when life knocks me down. 

#4 Learn your Personality Style (and that of the people around you)

“To grow yourself, you must know yourself.” ~ John C. Maxwell

Have you ever heard about – Myers-Briggs, True Colors Test, DISC, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Keirsey Temperament Sorter, and the list goes on and on. Why did a personality self-assessment type tool make my list? Because it has CHANGED MY LIFE. Understanding behavioral styles helps you become a better communicator, minimize or prevent conflicts, appreciate the differences in others and positively influence those around you. 

For example with DISC, I’ve learned that: I’m an ISC. That means I’m talkative, optimistic, and value people. The C part of me likes to understand the details. If you’re my manager and you take a few minutes to ask me about my weekend, then tell me how xyz initiative is going to help xyz people and that we’re going to have funexecuting the plan – you are speaking my language. On the contrary, ask a strong C about their weekend and they are likely to be cringing inside. 

My manager, I’ve come to realize, is likely a solid D. He is a good guy. He is confident and direct. He stays in the big picture. D’s are more focused on results, not the process. Once I put this together the aha light bulb went off. I shifted my communication style, adjusted my expectations and my happiness at work rose to a whole new level. Imagine having a guidebook for communicating more effectively with your employees, your boss, or that next job interviewer. Plus, DISC isn’t just a work tool. It has had a big impact on my relationship with husband and my kids too. 

For more details about DISC and to be entered to win a free DISC assessment (I’m giving away 3 to readers from this newsletter) text RMC to 517-234-1717. If you don’t want to invest in DISC, this quiz from the Color Assessment is a free option for getting started with understanding your personality and human behavior. 

#5 Create a Vision Board – be sure to include the steps it takes to get to the big goal

“If you can see it and believe it, it is a lot easier to achieve it.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

There are fascinating stories about people achieving dreams that they had pasted onto a nearly forgotten vision board. I had my own vision board achievement experience with a beach in Thailand. The adrenaline that raced through me when I woke up and realized where I was at is indescribable. My favorite story about using visualization for goal achievement is Jim Carrey’s story about his $10 Million check. Watch him tell Oprah about it. Bottom line: Creating a Vision Board forces you to get clear on what you want. Putting yourself into the picture, visualizing and seeing a goal as if it already exists in your life has a powerful effect. Just remember, positive thinking needs action to work. 

About Lisa:

Lisa Nowak has more than a decade of experience working in the IT industry. She is Account Executive for Logicalis Inc, a managed services and IT Solutions provider that specializes in Cloud, IOT/Data Analytics and Security. She was the President of the Michigan Technology Network and volunteered on committees for MCWT when they had a chapter in Lansing. Lisa is also a certified speaker, trainer and coach on the John Maxwell Team. She spends her free time gardening, camping, finger painting and building sand castles with her husband and two young children.

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